Sunday, March 16, 2008

About 'Preface' & 'As we may think' (week 2)

'Ends of millennia are angst-ridden occasions when reality shifts gears, and it appears that the synchromesh doesn't always work properly.'

This first sentence of the "Preface" shows how I think about present pefectly. I came to University, but I am not sure what I am here for yet. Something about scientific practices that Stone mentioned....... that's right! I had done lots of science experiments about the world that I could even hardly see, from elimentary to high school. Do those activities give me any help directly to live my life effectively? May be not. This means that even though I have been living for 20 years, I haven't had any chances to know something about present. In this confusing world, I think ability to understanding the present precisely like Stone did would be really important. Just as Stone said at the back part of the writting, EVERYTHING IS UP TO OURSELVES.

A writer of 'As we may think' "Bush' mostly talks about early methods which can help people to keep flooding informations. The subject of the article was so fresh to me because I haven't thought that storing files could be a problem. But I know that by now, that there has been many process of trial and error. According to the article, there were many difficulties in making progess on making effective machines. Evolution could not be made only by amazing inventive ideas of one smart person. The level technology at that time could not support the ideas to becom actual machine. 'Memex' which professor mentioned at last class is one of them.

I remember that professor said that there is no totally new thing/idea. Inventinon which can surprises the world only can be made with strong backgrounds. It seems that the world is so developed that any more remarkably new things cannot appear. But I do belive it can because we have much much more information and possess much higher technology than before. Why not? I wish.. I could be the one who makes the change.

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